
Does God Care How We Worship? is unavailable, but you can change that!

Does God care how we worship? For thousands of years, believers have answered with a resounding yes! Ever since the days of Cain and Abel, God has emphasized right worship, and it’s clear that careless worship can have serious consequences. Worship consciously regulated by God’s Word is a distinct characteristic of the Reformed church. Yet today many churches do not understand that both the Old...

teaches us that we may neither think about him nor worship him according to our own human categories and designs, but must rather know him and glorify him on his own terms and by his own revelation). Because these commands teach us first and foremost about what God is like, they also provide for us permanent direction on how we are to think of God, how we are to worship God, and that God cares greatly about how we think of and worship him. Three points arise from a careful consideration of the second
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